One of most people use is metatag analyze, site which provide complete service. For example you can see this :metatag analyzer.
After you create your blog account, try to open (click) metatag analyze so you can see the result and recomendation.
If the result is still empty and not ok, you can insert html code by the way of :
1. Insert title at the most 45 character
2. Insert site description not less than 200 character
3. Insert keywords for your blog between 250–300 character
We suggestion that the title, description and your keyword should be relevant with content that you already made in your site.
For example, look this following html code :

After you insert html code for metatag, you have to save edit html first and then analyze with metatag analyze until the title, descripton and keyword is ok for increase your site rating. You have to know that metatag analyze is one of most people often used to assess your site perform in search engine.
Have a nice try……..