1. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Now has been applied by more than 1000 fortune companies in US. EDI is a standard for documents structure which designed to enable big organization sends information through network private.
2. Open Buying on the Internet (OBI)
OBI is a standard made by Internet Purchasing Roundtable which guarantee some various e-commerce systems can talk one another. OBI developed by OBI consortium supported by famous technology companies like Actra, InteliSys, Microsoft, Open Market and Oracle.
3. Open Trading Protcol (OTP)
OTP made to do standardization various activities related to payment process such as agreement of purchasing, purchasing scrip certificate and payment. OTP is one of OBI competitor standard which built by some companies like AT&T, CyberCash, Hitachi, IBM, Oracle, SUN Microsistem and British Telecom
4. Open Profiling Standard (OPS)
OPS is a standard that is supported by Microsoft and FireFly ( www.firefly.com). OPS enables the user to make a personal profile matching with each hobby and enambe to share with merchant. OPS made to protects user privacy without closing possibility to do some information process marketing, etc.
5. Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
SSL is another protocol designed to build a safe channel to server. SSL applies encryption technique public key to protect data sent through internet. Made By Netscape, but now already publish in public domain. Some web hosting providing system security with SSL is www.thawte.com, www.verisign.com, www.digicert.com
6. Secure Electronic Transaction (SET)
SET is a standard made by by Visa and Mastercard and supported by banking community. SET will decode credit card number kept in merchant served