Blog ? of course all people has recognized it. Each internet user had known and even has owned it. But do you know that to make a blog which is qualified required good knowledge and good computer base technique. Following some important steps of which is better if known to make a blog :
1. Be yourself
Blog which you are create basically is reflect ability from brain and your performance. Your loyal readers will keep coming back to hear what you have to say. People don't read blogs simply to get the news. They could read a newspaper for news reports. Instead, people read blogs to get bloggers' opinions on the news, the world, life and more. Don't blog like a reporter. Blog like you're having a conversation with each of your readers
2. Focus to target and goals
Specifies before what which isn't it we debate and purpose of what which wish to reached with. Advantage from a blog is inexistence of demarcation in determining matter. Anything can be presented. What limits it ethics from every blogger. Make a good content with a kind of good vision which interest everyone to joint with.
3. Dynamic and consistent
Always presents matter posting matching with theme and always presents interesting new posting. If you wish to make a new content differing from the blog theme, better of you makes a new blog again to avoid inconsistently theme which have been specified before. Let a readers freedom to give comment so that blog which we are create will seen dynamic. We don't suffer decease liver if there is comment - unfavourable comment. Exactly this thing will make our blog more lifely and will make other reader to give comment so that blog we would be crowded are visited.
4. Accomodates between matters and appearance
Must have a similiar between matters selected with appearance from blog itself. For example if we choose matter blog about military presenting assorted of military accessories and green display colours. Don’t take an motorcycles accessories to army applies.
5. Socialization
You must often visit other blog and gives comment to that content. This thing will invite owner of blog will visit your blog. Create some link with source of matching with matter blog and joins with community blog which there’s as supporting facilities for effective promotion and mind conversion .
6. Learning and learning
Though you has mastered technique of blog, don’t event think satisfied for what we have done because the internet changes quickly. To developing your blog, do some experiment with new interesting comment and always observes every development of either from blogosphere and also community - other blog community so that blog which we are create always update.