Blog ? of course all people has recognized it. Each internet user had known and even has owned it. But do you know that to make a blog which is qualified required good knowledge and good computer base technique. Following some important steps of which is better if known to make a blog :
1. Be yourself
Blog which you are create basically is reflect ability from brain and your performance. Your loyal readers will keep coming back to hear what you have to say. People don't read blogs simply to get the news. They could read a newspaper for news reports. Instead, people read blogs to get bloggers' opinions on the news, the world, life and more. Don't blog like a reporter. Blog like you're having a conversation with each of your readers
2. Focus to target and goals
Specifies before what which isn't it we debate and purpose of what which wish to reached with. Advantage from a blog is inexistence of demarcation in determining matter. Anything can be presented. What limits it ethics from every blogger. Make a good content with a kind of good vision which interest everyone to joint with.
3. Dynamic and consistent
Always presents matter posting matching with theme and always presents interesting new posting. If you wish to make a new content differing from the blog theme, better of you makes a new blog again to avoid inconsistently theme which have been specified before. Let a readers freedom to give comment so that blog which we are create will seen dynamic. We don't suffer decease liver if there is comment - unfavourable comment. Exactly this thing will make our blog more lifely and will make other reader to give comment so that blog we would be crowded are visited.
4. Accomodates between matters and appearance
Must have a similiar between matters selected with appearance from blog itself. For example if we choose matter blog about military presenting assorted of military accessories and green display colours. Don’t take an motorcycles accessories to army applies.
5. Socialization
You must often visit other blog and gives comment to that content. This thing will invite owner of blog will visit your blog. Create some link with source of matching with matter blog and joins with community blog which there’s as supporting facilities for effective promotion and mind conversion .
6. Learning and learning
Though you has mastered technique of blog, don’t event think satisfied for what we have done because the internet changes quickly. To developing your blog, do some experiment with new interesting comment and always observes every development of either from blogosphere and also community - other blog community so that blog which we are create always update.
22 July 2008
16 July 2008
Smart tips to create a blog name
When you create a new blog, sometimes we confuse to pick a name for that. Following three simple tips to create a blog :
1) describe your blog: it is probable that lots of people will see a link to your blog before having the chance to actually read it (search engines, for instance). Guess what, if just by looking at the name they can figure what the blog is about they will be more likely to visit it. A simple name could describe your blog.
2) easy to remember: suppose your blog talks about making money on internet in general. Naming it “Money From The Net” or would offer quite an exhaustive description of the blog, but would it also be easy to remember? Stick with simple names.
3) It must be equal to the domain name: this rule is often ignored by people, probably because finding a suitable domain that has not been registered yet is a difficult task. Still if your domain name does not match the blog name you will probably lose some readers along the way. When people visit your blog through a link they will just read the name of the blog. Should they decide to revisit the site a couple of days later they will just type that name followed by a dot com. If they do not find your blog once they hit enter they will just go somewhere else
1) describe your blog: it is probable that lots of people will see a link to your blog before having the chance to actually read it (search engines, for instance). Guess what, if just by looking at the name they can figure what the blog is about they will be more likely to visit it. A simple name could describe your blog.
2) easy to remember: suppose your blog talks about making money on internet in general. Naming it “Money From The Net” or would offer quite an exhaustive description of the blog, but would it also be easy to remember? Stick with simple names.
3) It must be equal to the domain name: this rule is often ignored by people, probably because finding a suitable domain that has not been registered yet is a difficult task. Still if your domain name does not match the blog name you will probably lose some readers along the way. When people visit your blog through a link they will just read the name of the blog. Should they decide to revisit the site a couple of days later they will just type that name followed by a dot com. If they do not find your blog once they hit enter they will just go somewhere else
Tips to reach and stay at the first page of the search engines
Did you looking for information in the internet with search engines ? I’m sure 100% of internet users use that.
Everybody is familiar with search engines such as Google & Yahoo. Search Engines have radically changed the Internet. Radically! Over 50% of all consumer purchases of all business purchases are now pursued by searches. So the majority of people Worldwide who now are on computers, the first place they go to is a Search Engine to find information, for what they are looking for.
The Search Engine technology is now based and what Search Engine is trying to do as they are trying to put out in front of their searchers, the most current relative information possible. Google knows that what it can give you is exactly what you want to see and it’s relative to the current & it’s timely. And you are going to come back to Google over, over and over again.
Why all those Bloggers out there for years have been making a lot of money and how they are promoting for free, and how they getting free publicity and generating MASS traffic to their sites? Because Bloggers took advantage of what Google had determined was the secret to the Internet right now. A WEB SITE / BLOG THAT CHANGES A LOT GETS MORE RATING WITH A SEARCH ENGINE. So if your website is changing a lot and adjusting a lot and is current, Google will push you up on the rating. That means you are getting closer, closer and closer to the first page. And this is extremely important, particularly if you know how to what is called “games the system.
What those Bloggers do – they “game the system”. And here is how they game the system: They went out and found the websites that have the absolute most change going on in a web site every single day, every single hour, every single minute, and every single second. They are powerful websites that have constant change, constant upgrading going on every minute of every day. Theses website are called “Article Hubs”. These web sites grow out of the whole change in how Search Engines work because people realized that the more websites change, the more powerful website are in searches, they realized there better be constant change. This is particularly true in Media sites & this is particularly true with Bloggers, because they began to figure out that if they have more constant change on their sites every day their Bloggs will lift on the searches. And I am going to show you one of those hugs sites. It is an extremely powerful site, 5000-7000 writers, authors, reporters & Bloggers place their articles in this site every day.
Do you understand that that site is not just visited by tens of thousands of writers and author’s who have submitted articles everyday? Do you realize this site is visited by over a million unique visitors every single day? So these sites, these Article Hubs are incredibly potent. And when you put one article in one of these sites, guess what you start to do? You start to dominate keywords. And if you can get on the first page of any major keyword you have hit a Gold Mine! One article! One keyword! Traffic, traffic, traffic! There is one example “Religion and online marketing”, this article was written two years ago and guess where they are.
Do you know when you put a keyword in worldwide there are over 35 millions places on the web that have this constant in here with Religion and Online Marketing? And this article is still having a first result, first page. That was written TWO YEARS AGO! He has been getting traffic every single day for almost 800 days for this article. One Article! One keyword! Traffic, Traffic, Traffic! And if you go page after page, after page you are going to see that article over and over and over … That Company continues to get traffic to this very day. That’s the power of Article Hubs.
Everybody is familiar with search engines such as Google & Yahoo. Search Engines have radically changed the Internet. Radically! Over 50% of all consumer purchases of all business purchases are now pursued by searches. So the majority of people Worldwide who now are on computers, the first place they go to is a Search Engine to find information, for what they are looking for.
The Search Engine technology is now based and what Search Engine is trying to do as they are trying to put out in front of their searchers, the most current relative information possible. Google knows that what it can give you is exactly what you want to see and it’s relative to the current & it’s timely. And you are going to come back to Google over, over and over again.
Why all those Bloggers out there for years have been making a lot of money and how they are promoting for free, and how they getting free publicity and generating MASS traffic to their sites? Because Bloggers took advantage of what Google had determined was the secret to the Internet right now. A WEB SITE / BLOG THAT CHANGES A LOT GETS MORE RATING WITH A SEARCH ENGINE. So if your website is changing a lot and adjusting a lot and is current, Google will push you up on the rating. That means you are getting closer, closer and closer to the first page. And this is extremely important, particularly if you know how to what is called “games the system.
What those Bloggers do – they “game the system”. And here is how they game the system: They went out and found the websites that have the absolute most change going on in a web site every single day, every single hour, every single minute, and every single second. They are powerful websites that have constant change, constant upgrading going on every minute of every day. Theses website are called “Article Hubs”. These web sites grow out of the whole change in how Search Engines work because people realized that the more websites change, the more powerful website are in searches, they realized there better be constant change. This is particularly true in Media sites & this is particularly true with Bloggers, because they began to figure out that if they have more constant change on their sites every day their Bloggs will lift on the searches. And I am going to show you one of those hugs sites. It is an extremely powerful site, 5000-7000 writers, authors, reporters & Bloggers place their articles in this site every day.
Do you understand that that site is not just visited by tens of thousands of writers and author’s who have submitted articles everyday? Do you realize this site is visited by over a million unique visitors every single day? So these sites, these Article Hubs are incredibly potent. And when you put one article in one of these sites, guess what you start to do? You start to dominate keywords. And if you can get on the first page of any major keyword you have hit a Gold Mine! One article! One keyword! Traffic, traffic, traffic! There is one example “Religion and online marketing”, this article was written two years ago and guess where they are.
Do you know when you put a keyword in worldwide there are over 35 millions places on the web that have this constant in here with Religion and Online Marketing? And this article is still having a first result, first page. That was written TWO YEARS AGO! He has been getting traffic every single day for almost 800 days for this article. One Article! One keyword! Traffic, Traffic, Traffic! And if you go page after page, after page you are going to see that article over and over and over … That Company continues to get traffic to this very day. That’s the power of Article Hubs.
15 July 2008
11 July 2008
Chance to be rich
Becomes rich ? All people surely wish it. Besides tenacity factor and obstinacy in experiencing a business, becomes is rich is determined also by mental attitude.
Yes, a milliuner think actively and has different attitude from common people. Following a simple step to apply think actively and mental attitude a milliuner:
1. never says enough
Milliuner have never said enough. Commontly they wish to have more moneys more than they had now, and seems to don't have an effect more to calmness of their mind..
2. Knew what wanted
If you knows what do you want, you will know what should you do to get it. Explains to yourself asset / property is wishing you to have next year and explains how to getting it.
3. Big Think
Milliuner always big think. Most people not trying to big think because some reasons. Learning starts something of course best started from the bottom. Most people.....not milliuner !
4. Looks for opportunity and creates something
Milliuner sees opportunity in life. On the other way, most people seeing resistance. evaluation of Failing in / geting away opportunity in last 12 months and explains why.
5. Leader
Milliuner is leader because promoting their values. Majority people knows, not a single person who cares with their values, and don't wish to insist on
6. Respect to others skill and ability
Milliuner did that. Most people didn't. Find out how someone who you know handles a problem by amazing ways. Applied their approach if in the future you facing problem like they.
7. Make a great plan
Milliuner make a great plan to control they financial sources and advantage more. Most people didn't do that because seems so complicated and needs a lot of time to do that.
Now it's time to decide about our future...........
Yes, a milliuner think actively and has different attitude from common people. Following a simple step to apply think actively and mental attitude a milliuner:
1. never says enough
Milliuner have never said enough. Commontly they wish to have more moneys more than they had now, and seems to don't have an effect more to calmness of their mind..
2. Knew what wanted
If you knows what do you want, you will know what should you do to get it. Explains to yourself asset / property is wishing you to have next year and explains how to getting it.
3. Big Think
Milliuner always big think. Most people not trying to big think because some reasons. Learning starts something of course best started from the bottom. Most people.....not milliuner !
4. Looks for opportunity and creates something
Milliuner sees opportunity in life. On the other way, most people seeing resistance. evaluation of Failing in / geting away opportunity in last 12 months and explains why.
5. Leader
Milliuner is leader because promoting their values. Majority people knows, not a single person who cares with their values, and don't wish to insist on
6. Respect to others skill and ability
Milliuner did that. Most people didn't. Find out how someone who you know handles a problem by amazing ways. Applied their approach if in the future you facing problem like they.
7. Make a great plan
Milliuner make a great plan to control they financial sources and advantage more. Most people didn't do that because seems so complicated and needs a lot of time to do that.
Now it's time to decide about our future...........
05 July 2008
3 Mistake in starting business
In starting a business, often we given on to some strategies, business planning, budget, even making of web through service professional which often makes confused. Desire for soon starts business by spend alot of money without matured calculations is mistake that somebody often do.
Following there are some other mistake of which must be avoided :
1. Imitates business type which have been succeeding ;
Of course we able to imitate business type which have been succeeding, by reason that the product has been recognized by many people. On the condition, we must have advantage value / differensiation so that consumer will interest to buy our product. For example we open service to clean clothes which calculated not based on per item but based on volume ( kilogram) clothes / item which will be cleaned.
2. Sells product in improperly place ;
We often sell a certain product in location which is totally there is no relationship either with the market and consumer. Maybe we hope that we can get some buyers in that place. Such as we sell computer in food court.
3. Sells only one product permanently
Often if a product have been received by consumer and a lot people use / buy that product, producer feels have been succeeding and dozing the success to without following abreast of requirement and consumer appetite. We must always following and concerning about development of market so that goods which we sell always updated and received by market.
Following there are some other mistake of which must be avoided :
1. Imitates business type which have been succeeding ;
Of course we able to imitate business type which have been succeeding, by reason that the product has been recognized by many people. On the condition, we must have advantage value / differensiation so that consumer will interest to buy our product. For example we open service to clean clothes which calculated not based on per item but based on volume ( kilogram) clothes / item which will be cleaned.
2. Sells product in improperly place ;
We often sell a certain product in location which is totally there is no relationship either with the market and consumer. Maybe we hope that we can get some buyers in that place. Such as we sell computer in food court.
3. Sells only one product permanently
Often if a product have been received by consumer and a lot people use / buy that product, producer feels have been succeeding and dozing the success to without following abreast of requirement and consumer appetite. We must always following and concerning about development of market so that goods which we sell always updated and received by market.
04 July 2008
What could we sell in online business ?

We all has known before all that business through the internet more prospectively is compared to ordinary conventional business of people does like transaction of ordinary sales in shop, market, galeri, etc. This business of course we can make as online business, transaction happened is done in transfer of continued with delivery of goods after happened agreement. Of course this is profiting online business.
But there are one basic questions, does you have enough moneys to provide a number of goodses which we offer ?
The question is experience of myself. I thirst for online business but doesn't have enough moneys to buy goods which able to be sold in my site.
Then how ?
INFORMATION ! Yes, cheapest online product is sell information. Any information we can sell because basically everyone always need information. There are some advantage we sell information in internet :
1. Doesn't require big cost, enough with reading assorted of book, magazine, literature, catalogue, either in bookstore, and also in internet and focus at information topic which will be sold.
2. Information product is endless product and continuant. Do not know expired, and always keep abreast of era.
3. Doesn't require office or house as place of production.
4. Can be implemented any time and where only.]
It's the moment you tries…………
How We Start Online Business?

Question like that, I felt first time I recognize internet. I thought time first when access it, internet at the most simply information source " ordinary", just for reading news, program download, and articles draws other. At that time I didn't know if internet can apply to take a lot of money.
How come internet thus source of money?
Internet is information warehouse of giant that is likely no and will not there are ending. Every when information there will always be new required and ready to be dined public in world cleft it doesn't matter - unlimited by space & time.
INFORMATION.... yes that is gotten by me from internet. This information searched and got millions of people internet users in the world. Can't imagine how an awful of this opportunity could yield a lot of money?
Yes..That's right! with having business. But before having business we must know surely the followings:
1. what's Product ( goods or service) which at most wanted by the internet consumers?
2. What's information which at most required and consumed by the internet consumers?
3. What's things at most making lazy people and fear to start having business online?
4.Peripheral and business supporter system any kind of required by online entrepreneur to start the business.
5.What's marketing system of this online designed and worked for draws as much as possible buyer?
6.Does the online business has service which good to guarantying quality of product what sold has pawn?
Online business what can answer question which most all people feels and questions it? We must really selective chooses it. Product searching matching with your desire and really can answer question and worry of us. Around 3 last month of, I also still looking and asking around about this online business, enunciated new comer in internet world.
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